Business Travels

Fleet Rental Companies: The Ultimate Guide

Fleet Rental

Though there has been an incredible shift in the past few decades toward desk work, there’s still something about being outside, working with your hands, that gives a sense of accomplishment you won’t find anywhere else. And yes, while many jobs are switching to computer-based ones, there is still a healthy need—and likely always will be—for hands-on work. 

Couple this ever-present demand for work with the blossoming realization that you can create your own business these days much more easily than before, and you’ve got all the necessary ingredients for something new and exciting.

The Need for a Fleet

If you have been in business for years, you’ll recognize the inherent and basic need for transportation. 

Every sort of job that requires manual labor, from construction to exterior home design work and landscaping, needs tools and equipment to make the end result possible. But how do you transport all that equipment? Create your own fleet of trucks using fleet rental companies.       

How to Start Building Your Fleet

You have two primary options when building up your fleet: purchasing the vehicles yourself or renting/leasing from a separate company. Both options look drastically different from a budget standpoint. 

  • What is it going to cost you to run this business? 
  • If you’re already in business, what does your overhead look like? 
  • How much do you have to put toward transportation expenses?
  • What can you budget for repairs and maintenance?

Take some time to crunch the numbers and compare. You’ll more than likely find that it makes more sense to run your business with the help of fleet truck rentals. 

Once you’ve made that decision, the rest is easy. Consider what you can afford right away, and get in touch with a fleet rental company. Discuss their rates and your options and get started. Most fleet rental companies offer all kinds of trucks to rent as well as additional perks like low-price guarantees. 

The Benefits of Fleet Rental Companies

Taking that all-important first step of starting to build your fleet can be intimidating, so don’t simply take our word for it that it’s worth it—take a look at the following list of reasons why.

Improve Cash Flow

Commercial leasing agreements require a smaller down payment than if you choose to purchase outright. This means your company can retain more money at the moment that can be put to different uses later on. 

Managing your cash is critical for any business. If you have more on hand, you’ll be better able to respond to other opportunities quickly, which can translate almost directly to an improved position and situation within the market. 

Increase Access to Vehicles

When you go to a fleet rental company for vehicles, they do the work of acquiring precisely what you need. Should your needs fluctuate in the future, the company will be responsible for making those adjustments. This easy scalability definitely beats purchasing more vehicles outright than you end up needing, and then scrambling to recoup your investment

Outsource Redundant Administrative Tasks

Vehicle owners have a lot of responsibility. So much so that if you own a fleet, it’s likely you’d need to hire at least one employee to manage that element of your business. 

When you rent instead of own, these tasks will stay with the company you’re leasing from, so you won’t have to worry about the minute issues that come up with the trucks. Instead of getting bogged down with filing paperwork, you can focus on running your business. 

Greater Flexibility

Leasing companies typically offer two variations of agreements:


  • Close-ended leases: These are more expensive but provide additional protection in the event of unexpected financial costs. You’ll be able to return your vehicle to the company at the end of the lease without further responsibility, assuming no unreasonable wear or tear was inflicted.
  • Open-ended leases: These are designed to last for a year or longer and offer greater flexibility. At the end of the lease, the vehicle can be purchased, sold, or leased for another term. 


Most leasing companies can provide a tailor-fit lease to accommodate your specific needs. 

More Management Support

Fleet companies keep records to track statistics like fuel expenditures, mileage, local tracking, insurance claims, roadside assistance uses, etc. When you sign on to rent fleet vehicles, you’ll likely have access to these records, which can help you boost productivity and manage workflow both in the office and out on the road.  

Enhance Corporate Image 

Proper branding and good marketing make a difference. When your company looks professional, it sends a clear signal to potential customers that you’re a company they can trust. 

Renting fleet vehicles can provide the uniformity and autonomy your company needs to send those signals. Driving the vehicles around with your logo or information on them will help spread awareness about your company and your work. 

Support Your Financial Bottom Line

Since leased vehicles will depreciate over time, you’ll get to purchase the used vehicle at a significantly lower price than what you would spend on a new one—plus, they don’t have to be reported to the IRS as assets or debts. They would instead fall loosely under the category of business expenses. This will ultimately benefit the company and save you money in the long run. 

What to Look Out for When Renting Fleet Trucks

As with any business decision, there are a few questions you should ask yourself when considering starting up a fleet of rental trucks for your company or business. These questions will help you determine the reasons you need the trucks and what they’ll be used for. Ultimately, asking yourself these questions will help you figure out what kinds of rental trucks you need. 

  1. How will your vehicles be used?
  2. Do you plan to buy or lease?
  3. What maintenance facilities are available?
  4. Are there perks and benefits that come with renting from this particular company?

Should I Purchase the Trucks After the Lease is Up?

There are many benefits associated with leasing a fleet truck. Once the lease on your truck is up, it’s usually beneficial to consider purchasing the vehicle. This way, you can slowly build up your own fleet without spending a great deal all at once. 

Leasing puts you in an excellent position to focus initially on your business model. At the end of the lease, you can reconsider your options and decide whether purchasing is the better choice at that point. 

Types of Industries We Can Serve

If your company needs transportation of crews or equipment, then Barco Rent-a-Truck is likely a good fit for you. Our trucks are designed to handle all kinds of equipment transportation, including towing and hauling larger, heavier items. You should consider our fleet truck rentals if your business is similar to the following:


  • Construction Companies
  • Landscaping Companies
  • Lawn-Care Companies
  • Maintenance Crews
  • Plumbing Companies
  • Heating and Cooling (HVAC) Repair and Maintenance


Barco Rent-a-Truck is the Best Choice for US Fleet Lease and Sales

If you’re in the market for fleet vehicles and are considering leasing them, look no further than Barco Rent-a-Truck. We offer rental trucks all over the continental United States, and we’re the best choice for US fleet leases and sales. 

Every vehicle we lease has the full manufacturer’s warranty, qualifies for delivery and pickup across our service area, and has 24/7 roadside assistance. Our trucks are top quality, and we have a price-match guarantee. So if you find deals better than ours, we’ll alter pricing to match them.

Get your quote on a Barco rental today and get to work with our trucks transporting you, your crews, and your equipment. 

Maria Abellan

Content Strategist 

Barco Rent A Truck

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