Building Design Construction

Why sustainable architecture has become a real estate trend

sustainable architecture

What is sustainable architecture?, the trilogy of well-being: Economy, environment and society. Currently, in Mexico, the tourism sector has adopted this concept, achieving the efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection; however, there is still a great opportunity in real estate.

What is sustainable architecture ?

Sustainable architecture is the technique, an art to design and project constructions of houses, buildings and public spaces through the use of ecologically bearable resources with economic viability and social equity. 

What are the benefits of sustainable architecture? 

The objective of sustainable architecture is to minimize the environmental impact, obtaining the following benefits: 

  • Reduce energy use by implementing eco-technological resources in the home
  • Responsibility in the consumption of materials , adopting renewable resources that help optimize energy
  • Integration of housing with the environment without altering the ecosystem
  • Design homes with green areas such as gardens and terraces

Which cities have adapted sustainable architecture?

According to the ICU analysis (ICU Urban Competitiveness Index); The sustainable cities of the country are:

Ciudad state
Aguascalientes Aguascalientes
Chilpancingo Guerrero
Cuautla Morelos
León Guanajuato
Morelia Michoacan
Rica’s picture Veracruz
San Juan del Rio Queretaro
Beautiful villa Tabasco

To carry out the analysis of cities with sustainable architecture , the following factors are considered: 

  • Solid waste per inhabitant
  • Water consumption
  • water treatment capacity
  • Number of natural disasters
  • Energy intensity of the economy 

What resources does sustainable architecture use in homes?

Learn about some small actions that contribute to significant savings at home; in addition to promoting the use of environmentally conscious and efficient resources. It is a must if you want to choose your next home!

  • The rainwater harvesting system allows the use of water for cleaning the home or for the toilet. It is an effective technique to store 500 gallons in a single downpour. 
  • Solar panels transform solar energy into electricity. Solar rays are captured by plates made of semiconductor materials, reducing the use of electrical energy. 
  • Saving lamps: The perfect duo are solar panels and lamps; which replace incandescent bulbs, increasing the life time and consuming less energy. 
  • Solar heater: Another way to take advantage of solar energy is to use a solar heater. The operation of this system consists of a collector tube that absorbs the sun’s energy and when it comes into contact with the water, the temperature begins to rise. 
  • Reflective coatings: It is a type of coatings, which have the purpose of reducing the heat generated by the walls and ceilings. It is a way of keeping the house cool and avoiding the use of air conditioning and fans. 
  • Economizing shower: We love being in the shower and feeling how the water falls on us, it is relaxing; however, to avoid further waste of water, use a saving shower that consumes 7 to 10 liters per minute.

For the installation of any of the eco-technologies an initial investment is required; however, in the short term it will represent significant savings, achieving a positive impact on the environment. 

Is there government support to implement eco-technologies in homes?

Yes, with the aim of promoting the implementation of eco-technologies at home, Infonavit has the Green Mortgage program for all types of credits; which consists of granting an additional credit amount to the financing to acquire various accessories such as water, electricity and gas savers. 

Fovissste also provides you with economic subsidies to acquire and/or make adjustments to your home to reduce the negative impact on the environment. 

What is the projection of Mexico in sustainable architecture? 

Much remains to be done; however, the Mexican Government’s 2030 Agenda has drawn up a long-term action plan to gradually adapt sustainable development policies. 

Mexico advances; albeit very gradually, in the real estate development of works with a sustainable approach. 

Currently, there are approximately 2,000 commercial buildings with LEED Certification; whose purpose is to live in designs capable of not generating pollutants from the construction of houses and buildings taking advantage of the environment of the area. 

Alberto Kalach, is one of the sustainable architects in Mexico, an example is the Vasconcelos Library, a public space with a botanical garden that functions as a lung in Mexico City, highlighting the lighting and natural ventilation with its incredible green roof. 

It is important to note that the terms sustainable and sustainable do not mean the same thing; although they are recurrently applied as synonyms. 

The sustainable are processes that preserve and protect natural resources and the sustainable promotes social progress without compromising resources to meet the needs of future generations. 


We have felt overwhelmed by the heat, it is just a consequence of the permanent and continuous destruction of the environment, from your space become aware, optimize resources, recycle more and get advice from specialists to acquire a property equipped with eco-technological tools. 

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