Real Estate

Qualities that every real estate agent should have

real estate agent

Being a real estate agent is one of the most outstanding professions in the socioeconomic field, since it performs functions that allow us to begin to develop ourselves in a professional way, either through a company or with a business individually and also as a family; That is why today we talk about the qualities of a real estate agent.

What is a real estate agent? 

By definition, a real estate agent is a natural person who is dedicated to providing mediation, advice and management services in real estate transactions.

They are related to the sale, rental, exchange or transfer of real estate and its corresponding rights, including the constitution of these rights. But what are the qualities of a real estate agent that every professional should work on?

What are the functions of a real estate agent? 

Being a real estate agent will keep you busy most of the day because it develops functions that only they can perform, many of them help to work on the qualities of a real estate agent, among them are:

1. Manager functions

They take care of all kinds of paperwork that is presented, for example: making offers, preparing contracts, detailing the characteristics of new properties and managing advertisements on real estate portals.

The real estate agent draws up the sales and rental contracts, as well as the real estate taxes that are related to the suitable property.

2. Negotiating functions

There are many techniques that can facilitate a pleasant negotiation, some of them are the AIDA model applied to the real estate sector, another model known as CIMA for real estate sales or the SPIN method, which stands for situation, problem, involvement and benefit.

However, we must not forget the most important thing in a negotiation, which is to know the needs and requests of your client, so that in this way they obtain the best option; It is certainly one of the qualities of a real estate agent that everyone should work on.

3. Real estate commercial functions 

This function is considered one of the most relevant functions performed by the real estate agent, thanks to the fact that the sale of the property depends on it and, of course, that the deal is completed.

We must not forget that in order to be successful, one of the qualities of a real estate agent that everyone should work on is empathizing with clients.

One of the best ways to get sales is to opt for home staging. This technique consists of making the property look its best, making it more attractive to the public and so that we can highlight its best features.

In this way, the maximum potential of the property will be used and the visits will be converted into sales faster.

What does it take to study to become a real estate agent?

According to Lamudi , here are some careers that can make it easier for you to become a real estate agent :

Finance, banking and insurance.

This career offers you the possibility to pursue a profession in real estate asset management, which aims to supervise clients in the real estate trade and its future development.

Thanks to this career you will be able to understand the financial strategies related to this sector, which will allow an increase in profitability and value of financial resources.


Without a doubt, law will give you extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to real estate agents. 

They are known as real estate attorneys. The broadest responsibilities in this field will be advising clients, drafting contracts, analyzing legal aspects and negotiating a property.


Finally, this career can make it easier for you to create various real estate franchises. And the labor field offers an association with companies, either real estate or as an advisor to an individual person looking for a property.

In the same way, you can develop your skills in real estate valuations, sales actions or promotion in real estate developments.

These are the top 10 qualities a real estate agent should have

To become a successful professional in this area, it is essential to have the qualities of a real estate agent that we list below.

1. Good management of digital marketing

A real estate agent must know how to properly advertise the property for sale or rent. 

This includes the photographs and the wording of the advertisement in which it is essential to adequately describe the property. To be able to distribute the ad in different real estate portals.

2. Organization 

Planning appointments with the buyer and seller are one of the things that require the most time and for this reason it is essential that among the qualities of a real estate agent, having the best organization stands out, keeping an agenda and respecting the schedules will make everything easier for you. This process. 

3. Ease of trading

As a professional in the sector, you should be the one who manages all the negotiation of the transaction; so it is undoubtedly one of the most important qualities of a real estate agent.

Your main objective will be to encourage the potential buyer to sign the contract. Likewise, you will play an advisory role to help the owner sell his property, carrying out the agreed criteria and conditions.

Throughout the process you must know the needs of both parties, to obtain the best contract.

4. Administrative knowledge 

Having administrative knowledge will be a great point in your favor, since as you are the one who handles the negotiation, you will be in charge of carrying out all the administrative procedures and you will be the person in charge of all the documentation until the signing of the contract.

5. Creativity 

Creativity is one of the qualities of a real estate agent, essential to be able to find solutions to problems that may arise throughout the process of selling or buying said real estate.

6. Empathy 

Empathy is a relevant factor to be able to understand all the needs of the clients. It is extremely important to understand these reasons so that you know how you can help him close the deal. 

Empathizing with your customers will help you find different alternatives that correspond to their needs.

7. Persistence 

You cannot give up in the face of an initial negative response or in the face of problems that may arise. You can do an analysis to get a new point of view and thus be able to finish the contract.

8. Pay attention to details 

Attention to detail is one of the most important qualities of a real estate agent , thanks to the fact that it will be very useful for you to recognize the requests of your clients when making guided visits to the properties they want to know.

To be more effective in this aspect you can make lists with the needs and requests of your customers. 

9. Teamwork

Throughout the process you will meet different people who will be part of the negotiation and this is something that will help you in the long term, knowing more contractors and media can be useful to look for new purchase alternatives.

10. Proactivity 

Knowing the place of purchase or sale will be one of the best things you can do, since this way you will be able to better develop your role as an intermediary. As well as staying active with the latest trends and the best options for your customers.

Why is a real estate agent valuable?

The real estate agent plays a very important role in people’s lives, the main reason is that they carry out their work in the real estate market and if it were not for them the transactions that are carried out could not be carried out. 

We all know a real estate agent at some point , either for work reasons such as looking for new offices or places to develop your economic activities or for family reasons such as buying or selling a place to live.

It is in these cases where it is worth standing out from the competition, developing some of the qualities of a real estate agent that we have just presented to you.


Now that you know all this information about the qualities of a real estate agent, you will have much more clarity on how to develop a good professional profile, if you are dedicated to this field; and if not, you will be much clearer why it will be useful for you to contact one, if you are interested in buying or selling a property.

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